Our Family

Our Family

Friday, February 28, 2014

Maylea 3-6 months

Our favorite part of every day during this time was opening up the little blanket cocoon Maylea and see our adorable daughter stretch. Oh it always melted our hearts. We recorded it like a billion times. So I thought it was only appropriate to start out this post with a video of it.

( little Maylea in her cocoon)

Well because this is a blog so it's kind of 'personal' and not totally 'public' I feel it is also appropriate to talk about poop. Yep that's what I said, poop. Because that was what our world revolved around during the next three months when Maylee came home.  Because she was born early she had to take iron supplements and be supplemented for growth with one formula bottle and you can imagine that plugged our girl up quite a bit. A lot of our conversation during this time was much the same"Did she poop today? How long has it been since she pooped? Ok its your turn to give her a suppository. Oh crap,its everywhere!"

Ya and she was known in the NICU for getting it EVERYWHERE.  Why do I feel like one day she is going to hate me posting this. Oh well. I dealt with it , one day she will too:). Anyways I was always worried about her because she would cry a lot and grunt and you could tell she was in a lot of pain. Her face was always red so when she pooped on her own it was a big deal. A really big deal! So big in fact that we would take pictures of it: (VIEWER DISCRETION: the next image you see might be totally gross-you were warned)

(also it was always BLACK!)

anyways I promise to never post a poop picture again. Unless needed too of course. Onto the happier things.

Some of her favorite things at this age:
-playing bicycle
-when I would sing to her and make her dance while I did
-tummy time ( should would enjoy this but only for a little bit but would get fussy because she couldn't hold herself up or scoot fast enough)
-Food! she loved food

We also wrote in her journal about the personality traits we saw in her:

( she had some clogged tear ducts for her first couple months as you can see her eyes are a little bit goopy from the ointment we had to give her and swollen from the clogged tear ducts)

On April 12  she had her blessing. It was my first official mothers day, what a beautiful way to spend it. My Mom and Dad came into town and sister Nicole and brother -in-law Brandon. It was so fun to spend mothers day together and to celebrate Maylea. ( photos to come soon)
I am going to type it up for memory sake:

"My darling Maylea, we bless you with happiness and capacity to bring happiness to other in this life. The world is already happy because of you. We bless you with sensitivity to truth and that you will spread truth to others. I bless your spirit that it will be blessed with sensitivity of the Holy Ghost. Follow truth throughout your life. You are a very special soul and your family loves you so very much..."
( she was crying alot right before but when Stu started to talk she quieted down immediately)

  ( this was a thank you picture that we sent to all the family because everything they had done for us through these last couple years)


Now these next two pictures re pretty funny. This is our first family outing and lets just say it was a bust. We paid like $15.00 to play miniature golf and all we got in was 2 holes. It was cold and as you can see in the picture of Stu, Maylee was in an awkward position everytime he tried to bend down to golf. Ya it was pretty funny. Oh and this is pre-baby bag. Yes that is a hiking back pack on me. We were a sight, we did get some pretty funny looks.

First Fathers day->   

We had to go to Sacrament for Maylee to get her hips checked because she was breached. And good news - HER HIPS DON'T LIE:) sorry lame joke, had too. But their fine. We visited a cute vintage clothing store. Obviously Stu begged me to go in (note hint of sarcasm) but he is a good sport. (note the photo above)

Monday, February 17, 2014

To our Posterity...

We know how important it is to not only find out about our family history, but to also record our own,

"Growth was never intended to be just your own."

In our family this year we our going to do the 52 questionnaire project. We will be slowly adding to this post throughout the year. So stay tuned for updates.This project was first started by a man named Steve Anderson. He did it with his own family and then it took off. You can find it through family search blog here https://familysearch.org/blog/en/52-questions-52-weeks

Pres. Eyering has said about your families who have gone before, " Their hearts are bound to you, their hope is in you."  This is not only true to those who have gone before, but who will follow after. We dedicate this to our future family, so they can know of their legacy, so they can know of their roots and have strength to grow....

  1. What is your full name? Why did your parents give you that name?
    • Jessica Swain Spieth (Mother)- Well its kind of a funny story. My parents never found out the gender for any of their children. I guess they just liked the 'surprise' (and boy did they get it). They just 'knew' that they were going to have a boy and then when the nurse said that it was a girl they were stunned. See I was supposed to be named Jacob (which is the brother after me) so they weren't prepared. But it didn't take too long for them to decide the name. The nurse said ," I like the name jessica." They said they liked it and that is the end of the story. I know funny, I still give them a hard time but I've grown into it:)
    • Maylea Hope Spieth(Daughter)- This story is pretty tender to us. Our first pregnancy we were pregnant with a little girl that was due in May so we always called her "May girl" not really knowing her name yet. But then we lost the baby at 7 months. We both received the revelation that Maylee's body just wasn't working and so it died and she would come later. So when we found out during our second pregnancy we were having a girl we were quite relieved. We knew it was her. She then came at 30 weeks and we knew we wanted to use the name May. So we found the name online Maylea which is Hawaiian. It means 'wildflower' which I think is quite appropriate since wildflowers bloom no matter where they are planted. We felt Maylee was a little wildflower herself. Then we decided on the middle name Hope because she was our hope for so long.  
    • Stuart Rex Spieth(Father)- The name Stuart comes from my ancestor Jane Anne Stuart....what? Jane? isn't that.....yes....a girl. Yes, I admit it, I'm named after a woman. But she's a woman of such fierce courage, conviction, and gritt that I'm so very honored to even be associated with her let alone bear her name. I actually feel more manly because of it. First, let me tell how I'm related to Jane, and then I'll tell you why she's so cool, and then how the name was given. Here's my quick (maternal) family line with the women named by their maiden names: Me - my Mom, Cammille Hansen - Charlene Hynman - Weltha Eliza Hartley - Weltha Ann Hatch - Jane Anne Stuart. So Jane Anne is my 3-greats grandmother. 
Ok....why is she so cool? 
Jane first heard the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in Scotland and was shortly thereafter baptized at age 17. Upon returning home from her baptism she found her belongings packed and set on her doorstep in front of a closed door...a cold signal from her family that she was disowned because of her decision. Willing to forsake homes and lands to follow her Savior, she didn't despair. Jane left with her conviction and determination to do what was right. She traveled to Liverpool England and joined a group of newly baptized mormons who sailed to the US. She eventually gathered with the saints, pioneered across the country, and settled in Utah. She married Ira Stearns Hatch and had three children. She was AWESOME.
 naming me: my parents decided to take turns naming the children. When I was born it was my mother's turn. She new the history of her awesome mothers and decided to send on the legendary Stuart name with me. 
Rex comes from my mother's uncle who died at age 3 sometime in the 1920s. My mother's brother also carries the middle name Rex, but goes by the name.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I'm Back

The song I listened too today while I ran:
"Everything Will Change" By Gavin Degraw

"Take those boots off the shelf
Wipe that dust of yourself
Even if you've been through hell; you're

There is something about running, where you get to that point where your running so hard that your heaving and it hurts and your legs are burning and your eyes are starting to get blurry and your body is saying it can't go anymore t...but then, you do.
It's empowering. And as I ran today I smiled. I smiled because I see how far I've come. I see how strong I've become.

I think everyone needs a good hard run every once in awhile. Maybe not running specifically , but a moment- or better yet moments- in their life where they are surprised by themselves. Where they look back on top of that mountain and  say " I just did that" or you know what ... I think the last couple steps right before you get to the top is some of the greatest, because you have to depend on an inner strength that you never knew you had. You have to let go and push. Have faith, give it to the Lord. So instead of saying " I did that" your saying " I'm doing it!"

I like to think that there were many in the scriptures  that had moments like that.  Where they went through "hell" but then said "I'm back" or  even "I'm better."

Enos is one. His chapter is short but significant in The Book Of Mormon. only one short chapter but the whole chapter talks about a prayer. A very long, very hard, very difficult , and very beautiful prayer. I think Enos was 'hungering' and 'wrestling'  for a very long time before he prayerd. Maybe even for years. Some deep sin, tribulation, that had been heavy and pushing him and 'starving' him for a very very  time. So heavy that it was always on his mind and that day was no different. He went walking , heavy and searching for some sort of supplication, something that could ease his burden and thats when he thought of his fathers words and knelt. And when he knelt, he prayed. He didn't just pray but he cried unto him for the supplication for his own soul. He was getting to the top of that mountain, he was at those last few steps. And he prayed ALL day... "and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high, and it reached the heavens."( Enos 1:4)

And then, relief..."there came a voice unto me saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed."

 Can you imagine the walk home? I bet he ran with a smile on is face.

I want anyone who reads this to know that they are stronger then they could every imagine. You have an inner strength that is waiting for you to reach out and use. Its called your spirit. God gave it to you and he is one powerful Man. So use it. You can run, and you can finish. He wants you too. I love you , God loves you and you are not alone

Love someone who is back and even better :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Maylea 0-3 months

Well it took me long enough to do another entry. I am going to be playing catch for awhile now.

The first few months of Maylee's young life was a whirlwind. Most date nights consisted of me and Stu hitting the friendly neighborhood subway for dinner and head back to the NICU to be with our little girl. Oh and hit the club for a little bit- aka dance party in our car on our drive to the hospital. But really there were some sweet moments, reading to her, being told from the nurses to stop laughing so loud, just feeling connected to her and starting to realize that I was a mother. A Mother! finally...


I remember that I was sick during much of Maylea's stay in the NICU. It was difficult but I was healing and grateful that I had my wonderful husband and nurses who were watching over my sweet little girl. I remember Stu was visiting May one night and called me and I sang to her over the phone. I cried a little but I was so happy that I could sing to her even if it was over the phone.

( the nurses would have me do skin to skin, like almost a kangeroo, so she would get the sensation of being inside of me even though she wasn't. It felt so good to be close like that. Goodness she used to be so small.... the other picture is me being able to feed her for the first time, she was still a little to small to breast feed. I was very excited!)

We were in the NICU for about 7 weeks. And she did great! She flew by each step she needed to accomplish before coming home. Almost too fast ( I know 7 weeks might seem long but I was sick most of the time) and by the time the doctor called me telling me we could take her home the next day I freaked out! I was like, I'm not ready, the house is a mess. I am going to do something wrong, she is so little.  But when she came home and was finally in her little bed all peaceful, so were Stu and I.
It felt so good to all be home together..finally.

(coming home and our first walk as a family!)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Our Sunshine

Well it is about time I get into the blogging world. And about time we share our story. these last couple years have been tough. But we have seen miracles. One of which is our little Maylea. Maylea Hope Spieth born January 13, 2013. 

Yes she was two months early. She was due March 21. I have what the doctors call a Bicornuate Uterus. Basically my uterus is shaped like two bunny ears. I can get pregnant just fine but it makes carrying the baby to full term more difficult. Anyways, I am so sure you wanted to hear about my uterus. So I knew she would be coming early, just not quite sure how early.

 Stuart wrote the whole story down - It's to Maylee. But before I tell you that story let me first talk about the two weeks prior. We were in Utah for Christmas. Filled with family, fun and lots of laughter. It was my first time in a year seeing most of my family and its no surprise to say that I missed them..a lot.

 (family photo in our christmas pj's)

 So I almost stayed another week there. We looked at flights and everything but at the last minute I just didn't feel right about it so we stuck with the original plan and flew out the next morning ( you will see Heavenly Fathers hand in that decision soon).
The rest of the week I was in a lot of pain. Everything becomes kind of a blur at this part of the story. A lot happened and I feel like it was just crazy. That weekend I started having braxton hicks contractions ( keep in mind this is 29 weeks into my pregnancy), whatever those are because really I was in labor.I called the on call Doctor because of course this was lat at night and they said to just watch and time them to see if they let up or get closer together. Well we did and I got in the bath to calm the pain and thats when I saw the blood. It was so scary. I thought I was loosing her...again. So we jumped in the car and drove fast ( like really fast) and rushed to the hospital and they transfered me to Mercy San Juan Hospital because thats where they have the NICU and it looked like she wanted to come out. Some might wonder if "transfer" means I got to right in an ambulance, I did. With the Sirens on. To bad I feel like I missed it, I was dealing with a whole lot of pain. They kept me there for a couple of days until the bleeding stopped and contractions stopped and then released me. WEll that didn't last long. This is where Stuarts story comes in ( again, Its too Maylea just so you know.)

My Daughter,
It's January 13, 2013. Your Birthday!!!!
After church today, your mom and I played a few games of Monopoly Deal together, we had a great time, but after we ate some food, your mom started to feel a little tired and a little sick. So we went and took a small Sunday nap. I got up from sleeping around 4:45 and went to the rest room. After a minute or two I heard your mom yell to me: "Stu...we need to go to the hospital." Well, we had just been at the hospital for 5-6 days; you were showing signs that you wanted to come out of mom's tummy and in to the world. We thought you were gonna come eight days before this day...anyway. So I changed out of my pj's real fast and your mom was pacing the floor at the front door. We jumped in the car and rushed to Mercy Folsom Hospital. It was about a fifteen minute drive. I rushed inside, grabbed a wheel chair and ran back to the car. Mom jumped in the wheel chair and I went running in pushing your mom to labor and delivery. The nurses there were all the same nurses we had the week before. We were all well aquatinted and they started doing the same things they had before to try keep you in there. Your due date wasn't for another 2 months. Anyway, the doctor on that night checked and  said mommy didn't seem like she was going to have you...but boy, mom thought otherwise. She was in a LOT of pain. She was getting real hot too. I did my best with a hospital brochure to fan her off and keep her cool. But you really wanted to come; and you kept making mom have contractions. Mom started to hurt more and more. Then the doctor checked and said your mom was dilated to a number one. That means that you were starting to come. A little later the doctor checked again and mom was at a number 3. The problem wasn't only that you were early ( which was a big problem) but you were also breached, meaning your head was up and feet were down and you were not gonna move from there. That's when they decided to send you and mom to a different Hospital. A special one that takes care of babies that come early. You wanted to come early because you've got so much good to give to the world. You couldn't wait to get here to start helping people and teaching. To start serving, and helping people smile. You had enough waiting around in mom's tummy, you were comin' out.)

Anyway, so they had to get mom to a bigger hospital before you came out so they could take care of you when you were born. So they loaded mom ( and you) into an ambulance and off you wet. I couldn't ride in the ambulance cause there wasn't enough room. So when I knew mom was taken care of , I sprinted as fast as I could to our car. As I was driving I could hear the siren from the ambulance. You guys were goin' fast. Way ahead of me. On the way to the hospital I called Grandpa Swain to tell him that mom's contractions  were real bad, and that we were doing all we could to keep you in there, but mom was on her way just in case. Then I called Tommy, our home teacher to have him go to our house and bring us some things so we could stay at the hospital overnight, I got to the hospital and I couldn't find what room mom was in. Then a nurse came out of a really light and white room and she threw down a blue colored suit and some funny footies and a hat and a face mask, and said, here's the daddy suit. I was like huh? And then I heard a nurse say that mom was in the OR. Then it hit me: Operating Room. WOOOW!!! The doctors were already starting surgery to cut you out of mom's tummy. After they made me wait for awhile, they finally let me in and I saw Mommy on a table with a big curtain in from of her chin so I couldn't see her tummy but I could see her face. I sat down next to her and stroked her hair and said I love her. And that everything would be ok. Mom was looking at me and she was being very calm and brave ( "mom" here, its because I was drugged up!!! Hallelujah! finally!) . She was just sitting and we looked into each other's eyes.

Then suddenly one of the doctors pointed at a little table to my left and said: look right there, in about five minutes, she'll be right there. " Already?" I said. And sure enough a few minutes later , I heard your beautiful lovely voice for the first time. Your divine and long awaited entrance into this wonderful world had come. Mom felt calm and happy that she could hear your cry. I looked over and saw squirmy, fighting arms and legs. You were turning purple; and you started to get a little tired and so you stopped fighting, and then doctor put an oxygen mask on you to help you breath, and you took fast keep breaths and your skin all over your body turned pink and red. You were A- OK. As I stood in awe, I awe , and wonder with my jaw wide open a doctor said to me, " Camera? You got a camera?" Oh! Just then they slipped a little hat on your head , and covered you with a blankie. Then I whipped out my cell phone and snapped a few pics. Your first photo...beauty queen.

Then the doctors had to take you  to check you all over and your mom settled down and I sat in my "daddy suit" with my head back against the wall. You mom is SOOO happy. And I am too. We feel so blessed. Everyone is so happy you're with us , they love the pic I sent to them in a text.  It's about 11:00 on Sunday night January 13, 2013. It is your first Happy Birthday!!

( a picture of us right after in the recovery room)

(Stuart fell in love that night)

(first time I was able to see her, took 2 days before I could see her, it was so hard. But I was in so much pain I couldn't move)

 ( my favorite picture of her, she was so small)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our 2011-2012 year Look Back...

  • April 9, 2011- We Got Married!

  • Got our first home-249 1/2 Rexburg, Idaho ( had to take an awkward picture with our awkward little home!)We loved it. 

  • Graduated! Bachelors  Stu-in Business and me in Psychology. We did it!
    • Went to the Beach- stus first ever real vacation! So fun....we went with the Swain side of the family and made plenty of memories.

    • Recorded some of my music for the first time...finally.Which I will post soon so you can hear ( and buy if you like :))

    • Got a Job with Hewlett Packard - So we packed up our bags and moved to Sacramento, California
    • We also lived in a hotel for two weeks while we looked for an apartment- The Good ol days of Hawthorn Hotel. But we found one and crammed all our stuff in it

    • This is when it gets tough to write. I got pregnant, I actually started this blog awhile ago but I had all these photos of me being pregnant that was too difficult to look at. There was a lot that happened after and I could post photos, but I personally don't want to look at them and I guess its my blog so I can decide right?- haha- ok . Well here is a quick overview of the next year- I met stus family for the first time- well whole family, we enjoyed more of Folsom and fell in love with the place, Halloween with friends, morning sickness, Christmas in Utah with the family, all the way to February.... 
    I was just getting into my seventh month of pregnancy and hadn't felt our little girl kick in awhile. Went in to check on her and found out there was no heart beat. We lost her. I kept asking them to check. I couldn't believe it. It was numbing, out of body experience. They then told me I could go home and decide when I want to come in and have her. What? I have to go through labor? How am I going to go through labor, go through the pain and not have the reward? I couldn't talk , I sobbed. Stuart was stunned. We went home and I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. Our friend was getting baptized that thursday and we wanted- no needed- to be there ( it ended being such a blessing to have that ray of light during a very dark week). So we decided the next day we would do it. It was Monday and we wanted enough time to heal and rest before hand. Well I didn't sleep that night. We watched a whole lot of Psych- gosh I owe those script writers:) haha. But afterwords ...well it was hard. Really hard to go home. We had so many wonderful people pray, send packages, clean our apartment, make treats for us. We not only had family and friends from Utah and Oregon but also our ward family and friends. The church is so true and I don't know what I would have down without my ward family. I will go deeper on what I learned during this year and days and weeks and months. But that will be for a later post. Now lets get into happier times. The five months of healing me and Stu had together. Here is a little bit of what went on:

    (SIDE NOTE: Not in order, just a bit of time together as two best friends healing and becoming even better friends)
    4th of july with friends, annual get together)

    ( went to a  parade for St. patricks day)

    (berry festival, so yummy!)

    (beauty time..Stu is a champ!)

    (Rodeo for the 4th)

    (date night: Before)

    (went on a family reunion in Oregon with Stu's side of the family)

    (Color run)

    (we went on a lot of walks)

    ( I directed a 7th grade play: Your a Good Man Charlie Brown)

    (we dressed up as nerds for Halloween)

    (watching one of my YW Softball Game)
    (st. Patricks Day meal)

    (SURPRISE!- Pregnant:AGAIN)